HomeEnergyUEF Signs Pacts With 19 Clean Energy Developers For Stand-Alone Solar Solutions...

UEF Signs Pacts With 19 Clean Energy Developers For Stand-Alone Solar Solutions Across Nigeria

Sustainable Energy for All (SE­forALL), has signed grant agree­ments with 19 clean energy de­velopers under its Results-Based Financing (RBF) multi-donor fund, the Universal Energy Fa­cility (UEF), Stand-Alone Solar for Productive Use (SSPU) pro­gramme, for the deployment of high capacity solar + battery storage systems to businesses and institutions cross Nigeria.

These systems are expected to be fully installed and operational before the end of this year.

Joseph Nganga, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), said: “This marks a significant step forward in our shared vision for a sustainable future.

“By signing these grant agree­ments, the UEF is truly making a difference by empowering clean energy developers to bring their innovative solutions to life.

“I’m incredibly proud of the UEF’s work and excited to see the positive impact these projects will have on many lives.”

Reliable clean electricity for homes, businesses (SMEs), and institutions, transforms daily life.

“Electricity stays on, harmful petrol and diesel gen sets will be removed which reduces indoor air pollution and CO2 emissions, equipment runs smoothly, and essential services like health­care and education can function effectively.

“This unlocks economic op­portunities and improves overall well-being.”

Abba Aliyu, Managing Direc­tor, Rural Electrification Agency, said: “ I am proud of the work we have all done to enable a better en­vironment for the private sector to grow within the energy sector.

“The companies signing the grant agreements today are a testament to the policies that have been put in place and capacity building efforts made in the past decade to build the sector.

“This significant expansion builds upon the success of the UEF’s initial launch of the SSPU programme in February 2023 when 10 developers received grants to deploy SSPU units in underserved or unserved com­munities.

“So far, over 1,600 systems have been installed, serving over 1,200 businesses and institutions such as health and educational facilities.

“The UEF has achieved signif­icant progress over the past year, not only in Nigeria, but also in Benin, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, and Sierra Leone with thousands of Africans benefiting from this facility.

“The SSPU systems are game-changers, these solar power systems provide a reliable source of electricity, unlocking a range of socio-economic benefits.”

Aliyu noted that businesses can extend operating hours, utilise equipment, and improve product quality, leading to in­creased income.

SSPUs also stimulate job cre­ation by fostering local businesses that rely on electricity.

The special guests at the event included Ms. Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All; Mr. Shubham Chaudhuri, Country Director, World Bank, Nigeria; Mr. Abba Aliyu, Managing Direc­tor, Rural Electrification Agency and Mr. Aminu Umar-Sadiq, Managing Director of the Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA).

“In combination with inno­vative financing solutions, such as those we are discussing today through the Universal Energy Facility among other, the DARES project will scale up productive use and clean energy to not only communities but also to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) that form the backbone of Nigeria’s economy,” said Shub­ham Chaudhuri, Country Direc­tor, World Bank, Nigeria.

The attendees during the event engaged in a productive discussion around the Distrib­uted Access through Renewable Energy Scale-up (DARES) initia­tive, the impact of the UEF, and the role of results-based financing and climate finance in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

An example of how the UEF had transformed the lives of busi­ness owners was demonstrated with Ruth Badejo, a fashion de­signer at the Ayangburen Mar­ket, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria, who struggled with unreliable power for her business. Previously re­liant on a petrol generator, she faced high prices of petrol, fuel shortages and power cuts, limit­ing her work hours and turning away clients.

The installation of the 5Kw so­lar + storage system at her shop by one of the clean energy devel­opers under the UEF SSPU, has transformed her business.

With constant, clean energy, Ruth now enjoys uninterrupted power 24/7.

Source: Independent

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