HomeImpact MoversOluwaseun Agbebi Joins MTN Nigeria As Manager, ESG

Oluwaseun Agbebi Joins MTN Nigeria As Manager, ESG

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) specialist, Oluwaseun Agbebi has joined MTN Nigeria as its ESG Manager while he will also be in charge of the telecommunication company’s Impact Reporting.

In his new role, he will be responsible for managing and overseeing the overall development and implementation of MTN Nigeria’s sustainability, ESG, and impact reporting strategies to meet the identified needs of MTN Nigeria in line with several sustainable development frameworks, local & international regulatory requirements, and global ESG best practices.

Announcing his new appointment on LinkedIn, Oluwaseun said “I am glad and honoured to be part of the pioneering team of MTN Nigeria’s Sustainability & Shared Value function. What a privilege and opportunity to pioneer and lay the foundations of sustainability and ESG in another organisation – my third Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX Group) Premium Board Listed company, fifth NGX Listed company and sixth company in succession, as an ESG/Sustainability function pioneer.

“As a cross-cultural and cross-sectoral experienced Sustainability & ESG Professional, I look forward to this opportunity to deliver strategic sustainability & ESG solutions to meet another organisation’s needs across diverse stakeholder groups (internal/external), Executive Management, Boards, investors, development partners, etc.”

Before joining MTN Nigeria, he was Environmental, Social and Governance Manager of Babban Gona where he successfully led and managed various ESG requirements and engagements to over 30+ investors, Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), International Finance Institutions (IFIs), Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and Impact Funds.

Oluwaseun has over 12years cross-cultural and cross-sectoral experience in the development, and implementation of ESMS, ESMP, ESAP, ESDD, sustainability initiatives & ESG strategies, sustainability & ESG reporting, ESG risk assessment, ESG data systems, E&S impact studies projects, stakeholders’ engagement, E&S assessment reports, overall project management.

He has worked across consulting, FMCG, agricultural, manufacturing, mining, technology, oil & gas sectors in Nigeria & Africa delivering strategic sustainability & ESG solutions to meet organisations’ needs across diverse stakeholder groups (internal/external), Executive Management, Boards, investors, development partners, etc in line with several sustainable development frameworks, local & international regulatory requirements, & global ESG best practices.

Oluwaseun has also led and managed various ESG requirements and engagements with numerous investors, Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), International Finance Institutions (IFIs), Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and Impact Funds such as World Bank IFC, AfDB, KfW, FMO, IFAD, EDFI AgriFi, IDH FarmFit, Skoll Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Mastercard Foundation, Global Partnerships, amongst others.

So far in his career & across several organizations, he has coordinated & completed over 21 ESG/Sustainability impact studies projects; 36 Sustainability Reports and ESG Disclosures; 5 ESG strategic roadmaps and management plans; 24 ESG related policies, codes & standards; and 35 Environmental & Social projects/studies with regulatory approvals obtained.

He holds a Bachelor’s Degree, Biochemistry from the Federal University of Technology Akure and proceeded to the University of Derby for a Masters of Science (M.Sc.), in Sustainability and Environmental Management.

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