Home Global Monumental ‘Earth Week’ Commences April 14th

Monumental ‘Earth Week’ Commences April 14th


Earth Day Network, the global organiser of Earth Day and largest recruiter of the environmental movement worldwide, has announced the launch of “Earth Week” in honour of this year’s theme: “Invest in Our Planet”.

Consisting of a series of Earth Day Lives and mobilising the masses through major events in every time zone, Earth Week will pioneer EARTHDAY.ORG’s farthest reaching efforts to date by amplifying inspiration and action from April 14 to April 22 worldwide.

“By engaging governments, businesses, institutions, and the more than 1 billion people who participate in Earth Day annually we can solve the world’s greatest problem: climate change.” said Kathleen Rogers, President of EARTHDAY.ORG.

“There is unlimited opportunity to right the wrongs of past actions and build a new version of society. But we have a very short window of time and we need everyone to Invest in Our Planet now!”

Originating from the first virtual celebration of Earth Day in 2020, EARTHDAY.ORG’s Earth Day Live event series explores Earth’s urgent environmental issues and examines a variety of approaches to protect our shared home. Topics include climate restoration, regenerative agriculture, environment and social justice, supply chain resilience, plastic pollution, resource scarcity, food security, the green economy, biodiversity restoration, universal climate literacy, and more while panelists range from public and private sector leaders to activists, scientists, influencers and beyond.

In cohesion with the virtual events, EDO is working with individuals and organisations globally to host thousands of in-person cleanups, rallies, celebrations, and protests across each time zone.

“Whether it’s throughout the Pacific Islands of Hawaii where the world’s largest dive will take place with over 700 divers expected to join in support of The Pledge to Our Keiki, or in London where more than 100,000 individuals will take to the streets to demand action against the climate crisis, something big is happening in every part of our collective home.”



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